Economic And Ecological Use Of Water.
Economical And Ecological Water Use In Textile Finishing (AI)
II. Uluslararası Bilimsel ve Mesleki Çalışmalar Sempozyumu (BILMES 2018)
Quantum Field Theories,Mathematical and Computational Physics
Quantum Field Theories,Mathematical and Computational Physics
Summary Sweet water sources account for only 2.5% of the world’s water sources. Water deficiency is a state that occurs by the interaction of social, economic and ecological factors. Water resources are increasingly polluted by domestic, industrial and agricultural waste every day. The increase in population, urbanization and industrialization, the increase in water pollution and the increased decrease in clean water resources are major problems. Water is the basic material of textile training. In pre-training, painting, printing and finish processes, a large amount of water is used and damage the environment as waste water. This study provides information on the reduction of water use in textile training, the treatment of wastewater and the reuse of water.