4th International Gap Mathematics, Engineering, Science And Health Sciences Congress (AI)
Diagnosing Rotor Bar Failure With A Low-cost Handheld Device (AI)
Renewable and Green Energy
Renewable and Green Energy
A lot of work has been done over the past 20 years on the defects of the asynchronous engines.Studies often use data receiving cards and computers with high-capacity processors.In this case, it is very expensive that diagnostic systems can be practically implemented in a factory environment.Also, if the diagnosis system is created for each engine in the factory environment, the cost increases and the implementation is difficult.A failure diagnostics system designed in the form of a portable manual device will bring both cost and ease of application.However, the low-capacity processor that can be used in the manual device requires special solutions for performing high processing load used in diagnostic algorithms.Therefore, it is difficult to perform a manual device for diagnosis.In this study, it is intended to implement a portable manual application for the diagnosis of rotor failure.The frequency spectrum of the engine's line flow has been used for the extract of characteristics.The frequency spectrum is obtained by rapid fourier conversion.The engine flow is used using a hall sensor.16 bit microcontroller operations are carried out.The implemented system has made it possible for both low-cost fabrics to diagnose failure and has also made it easier to apply to engines in different locations.Experimental results have shown that the recommended method and the implemented system can make a failure diagnosis.